Asbestos Management
To be considered a management plan means you will probably already have the asbestos survey completed, and have a register in place. The question then is – What do you do with all that information.
Under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, Regulation 4 ‘The Duty to Manage’, the HSE require you to keep the information up to date as part of an ongoing Management Plan.
Various formats of re-inspection reports can be provided, either in the form of a new report or a log book based upon the asbestos register. The log book will also contain the control documents needed to ensure compliance with the regulations.
Discuss a management planManagement Plan
The management plan must include a re-inspection program taking place at least annually and a written record kept of the findings and remedial actions planned. Strathmore Environmental Services can provide a management service for your retained asbestos whether or not we provided the original asbestos survey. The re-inspection program will involve checking all positive findings from the original survey plus any new concerns that may arise.
Typically a log book will contain the following information:
- Checklist for Action Items, and routine activities
- The asbestos register
- Contractor Control
- Emergency procedures
- Risk Assessments
- Records of remedial work
- Permit to work